闲庄和游戏 expects its students to abide by local, tribal, state, federal laws, and college 规定. 学校不会容忍非法行为,这侵犯了 or denies the rights and freedoms of others, or disruptive acts, which affect either 学院的学术或民事运作. 闲庄和游戏行为标准明确 prohibit the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and the possession, use or sale of alcohol by students on its property or as part of any of its officially 公认的活动. 如果学生扰乱秩序,拒绝离开, 我们会联系执法人员. 任何不遵守这些规定的学生 laws and 规定 may be denied the services of the college through due process.
Two of the 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 (闲庄和游戏) campuses are located within the Umonhon and Isanti Tribal Boundaries and are policed by the Tribal law enforcement. Both Knox County and Thurston county Sheriffs may also be called as dispatch for 911 被指定到这些地点. 闲庄和游戏努力工作以保持良好的沟通 这些部门. 闲庄和游戏的第三个校区位于达科塔大道 内布拉斯加州的南苏市. 当地政府,南苏城警察局 is called as security whenever a crime or suspicion of a crime exists at this location. The institution does not employee any on-campus security or contract with any security 公司. 所有安全措施由上述地方当局负责. 闲庄和游戏确实 not have any memorandum of understandings with the above listed authorities, but we 如果调查需要,共享信息.
The administration, staff, and faculty of the 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 (闲庄和游戏) are committed to a program of equal opportunity for education, employment, and participation in college activities without regard to race, color, sex, age, religious creed, political ideals, marital status, physical or mental handicap, national origin or ancestry.
The 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 complies with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as well as applicable federal, 州、部落和地方法律. 负责监督和协调平等的人 Opportunity and Affirmative Action matters, as well as compliance with the aforementioned 法斯是人力资源总监.
The College retains the right to follow a policy of Indian preference in employment in line with the Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and any other applicable federal, state and 部落的法律.
闲庄和游戏 makes every attempt to make sure that all campuses are monitored by a college employee or volunteer that will follow 报告 guidelines and the rules of the college. The college has established cameras at all locations that show the outside and the inside of the common areas of each campus to monitor and verify any activity that 是违反学校政策的.
校园里所有的停车场都有顶灯. 校园人数超过 一栋楼的每一栋楼都有同样的预防装置. 闲庄和游戏员工检查 每晚打烊时锁上所有建筑物. 每个校园都有一个校园协调员 可以向谁提交报告:
Justin Kocian,首席信息官
Dawne Price,学生服务主任
All Administration has been instructed to report any incidents to the 总统 as 一旦有犯罪报告. 闲庄和游戏员工完成了VAWA、Cleary Act和 Harassment online training through 闲庄和游戏, and an all staff training was held for Active 杀手训练. 闲庄和游戏每年都真诚地努力收集犯罪统计数据 from our local law enforcement and this is documented in the form of written letters 寄给当地政府. 闲庄和游戏不需要保存每日犯罪记录,因为 我们没有任何校内住宿.
Students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to report all crimes, emergencies
和安全问题立即通知闲庄和游戏管理部门. 在紧急情况下
有人身危险,应该给当地政府打911. 每个闲庄和游戏校区都有
a weather alert radio that alerts 闲庄和游戏 campus communities of threats of tornado or
风暴. 行政部门通知所有住户,并给出指示
跟随他们. 每个校园都有一个避风区和火灾报警器. 当你
地址、姓名和电话号码给接线员. 如果道路不安全,
或者不安全的服务I.e. 供水中断,闲庄和游戏在SNOWCAP通讯公司有账户
发布所有学校停课的解决方案,以及脸谱网. 闲庄和游戏在每个地方都张贴了
闲庄和游戏 is committed to providing a healthy, safe, and secure educational environment. 它是 policy that reasonable measures shall be taken to establish and maintain a drug-free college community as required by the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (Public Law 101-226) and Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Public Law 101-690) and applicable 州和部落法规. 任何人——学生、教员、职员或访客——都不能 shall be permitted on college premises in a state of intoxication, or under the influence 非法物质. 不得携带、食用酒精或受管制物品; 在闲庄和游戏学院活动或闲庄和游戏场所制造或分发.
The use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol carry significant social, physical, 情绪健康风险. 使用者可能会损伤身体的关键器官,如 心脏,肝脏,肾脏和中枢神经系统. 毒品可以杀死服用者,而且 use of drugs and alcohol during pregnancy may cause birth defects or death of unborn 婴儿. 滥用药物和酒精可能导致注意力不集中和记忆力下降 这会影响学习. 滥用药物和酒精可能会导致病情恶化 家庭单位和友谊和其他支持系统的崩溃.
Any alcohol or drug related incident that involves harassing or threatening statements that potentially endangers any student, staff, 教师 or Administrator will automatically result in the college calling the authorities and will result in expulsion from school.
Offenses that are managed internally may result in the loss of travel privileges and/or 失去机构管理的奖学金.
If a student under the age of 21 is involved in any of the above actions their parent
否则将通知监护人. 任何与酗酒有关的开除或解雇
or drug use will result in the student or employee being required to complete a licensed
The 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 has zero tolerance for physical or verbal violence 任何形式的. 任何造成身体或情感威胁的人 well-being of any 闲庄和游戏 student, staff, faculty, administrator, or visitor will be 被开除、禁止入学或被开除出校园的. 任何情况下 涉及暴力也可能导致刑事起诉. 当地执法部门 will be summoned if the problem becomes persistent or if there appears to be an immediate 对一个人身体或精神健康的威胁. 校园犯罪与安全报告 是否每年编制和分发.
A. 程序:如果发生暴乱或内乱,请将所有学生带走 来自骚乱最直接区域的游客. 负责人或 代表将通知以下人员:
- 911报警
- The Federal Bureau of Investigation at the Sioux City Office (712) 258-1920 or at 奥马哈办事处(402)493-8688
- 部落商务经理,如果在部落土地上.
- 部落议会的任何成员,如果在部落土地上.
负责人或 representative are to act in the best interest of all concerned 从最底层解决问题. 为了所有相关人员的安全 员工不得试图调解.
- Report: Only those reports specifically required will be authorized as indicated.
- The Person in Charge will (verbally report the results of the incident to the College 总统.
- The Person in Charge will prepare a written report to the College 总统, the 闲庄和游戏董事会主席,以及部落理事会(如适用). 报告将 outline the incident as follows: how the emergency was received, action taken, authorities 联系及回复. 人员之间共同作出的调查结果和决定 主管机构和协助机构应成为本报告的一部分.
内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 has three campuses, two are located in Tribal Communities, 梅西、内布拉斯加 and 桑提人、内布拉斯加, and one in an urban area, 内布拉斯加州的南苏市. 每个校区都有一个指定的入口和其他入口点. 下面的说明 每个校区都有哪些定义. 如果在 建筑物外观. 工作人员应尽快封锁该设施 and call 911 or Tribal Police as later identified in the event of entry of an active 每个设施的射手. 每个校区的许多房间现在都配备了S.A.V.E 有可以用来保护自己的物品的工具包.
In the event that an active shooter enters the 梅西大学, all staff should attempt to help students exit the building to the nearest exit if they have 清晰的通道. Employees that are trapped should shield themselves in offices, grabbing objects to 扔向射击者或用作自卫的武器. 项目可以找到 in the blue logo’d buckets throughout the campus, including 2 in the office and VTC 1和2. 本协议遵循2018年5月开始的培训. 最好还是打或者 逃跑总比坐着当受害者强. 可以扔的东西有订书机,打孔机,书, 要保护的物品有剪刀、螺丝刀和叉子. 所有梅西百货指定员工 Campus should have the Macy PD number saved in their cell phones 402-837-5906, and if able should call them and tell them that there is an active shooter 在校园里.
In the event that an active shooter enters the 桑堤河校园, all staff should attempt to help students exit the building to the nearest exit if they have 清晰的通道. 被困员工应躲在办公室/教室里, grabbing 向射击者投掷的物品或用来自卫的武器. 项目 can be found in the blue logo’d buckets throughout the campus, including 2 in the 办公室及职训局1及2. 本协议遵循2018年5月开始的培训. 这样更好 要么战斗,要么逃跑,而不是坐着当受害者. 可以扔的东西是订书机, 打孔机,书,要保护的东西是剪刀,螺丝刀,叉子. 所有员工 designated at 桑堤河校园 should have the Santee PD number saved in their cell phones 402-288-4464, and if able should call them and tell them that there is an active shooter 在校园里.
In the event that an active shooter enters the 南苏城校区, all staff should attempt to help students exit the building to the nearest exit if they have 清晰的通道. 被困员工应躲在办公室/教室里, grabbing 向射击者投掷的物品或用来自卫的武器. 项目可以找到 in the blue logo’d buckets throughout the campus, including 2 in 办事处及职训局1及2. 本协议遵循2018年5月开始的培训. 它是 与其坐以待毙,不如战斗或逃跑. 可以扔的东西是订书机, 打孔机,书,要保护的东西是剪刀,螺丝刀,叉子. 所有员工 at SSC Campus should call 911 and tell them that there is an active shooter on campus.
A campus community must do more than just react to crime; it must look for opportunities
阻止犯罪. 各种各样的个人习惯将有助于学生,教师和工作人员
• Ask someone to walk to your car with you after dark/don’t leave a student or staff
闲庄和游戏 is pledged to maintain a safe working and learning environment because sexual harassment can interfere with a student's academic performance and emotional and physical well-being, and that preventing and remedying sexual harassment in schools is essential 确保学生在无歧视、安全的环境中学习.
现行法律将各种暴力和/或未经双方同意的性行为定义为犯罪. 此外, 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 has a defined category of sexual misconduct for 根据这项政策,可以采取哪些行动. 一般来说,闲庄和游戏认为 sexual intimidation or exploitation violations to be the most serious, and therefore typically imposes the most severe sanctions, including suspension or expulsion for 学生和解雇员工. 但是,闲庄和游戏保留强制执行的权利 any level of sanction, ranging from a reprimand up to and including suspension or expulsion/termination, for any act of sexual misconduct or other gender-based offenses, including intimate partner or relationship violence, nonconsensual sexual contact, and stalking 基于申诉的事实和情节.
Complaints regarding sexual and gender harassment will be directed to the Human Resource 经理和/或教务长.
闲庄和游戏确实 not have specific on-campus programing related to prevention of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking as defined below, however, we do cooperate 与ONCRT DV程序和DTSU.
Sexual misconduct against any member of the 内布拉斯加州印第安社区学院 will be turned over to local authorities for investigation since 闲庄和游戏确实 not have any on campus housing or will be handled through the 闲庄和游戏 grievance policy as stated below. Reporting persons are the Administrative Personnel listed in the Introduction and 如前所述,第九条协调员,人力资源经理. 所有闲庄和游戏员工都有责任 在2019年完成克莱利法案、VAWA和第九条基本培训. 10个员工 完成校园安全管理(CSA)培训.
Students are to maintain orderly conduct that is consistent with an educational environment. An instructor may remove a student from the classroom for behavior that violates the 他的同伴的权利. 然后将违规行为报告给教务长进行审查 和行动. 纪律是教务长的责任,教务长有权威 对任何违规行为采取行动,并采取任何认为适当的行动. 学术 Dean will review all complaints and may dismiss the allegations, make an administrative disposition, or conduct a formal hearing in conjunction with the grievance committee. Possible disciplinary actions can be found in the Student Rights section of this catalog. Students dissatisfied with findings of the Academic Dean should follow the Grievance 过程.
Fair, prompt, and impartial consideration of complaints involving discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, sex, age, national origin, Tribal affiliation, or disability 会提供给学生和员工而不用担心报复吗. 全面合作 是否会提供给提出歧视投诉的个人. 重要的 of discrimination can be directed to the Human 资源 Manager or Academic Dean.
Students filing Complaints, Question or Concerns can contact the Human 资源, 学术主任,或学生服务主任,电话844-440-6422或402-936-1007. 代表 will explain and discuss your right to file a criminal complaint (sexual assault and violence); the 闲庄和游戏 Complaint process will follow the Grievance Policy as listed in 学校的目录和这份报告的最后. 学生也有这个权利 向警方报告任何犯罪事件.
In an emergency call 911 immediately, and preserve any evidence necessary for police 报告.